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Veli Bilimci ve Ali Pehlivan "Cumhur reisina suikaste teşebbüse katkı" hataundan 16'şar sene hapse mahkum edilirken, Ertuğrul Cihat Sungur'un "kişdobra hürriyetinden mahrum kılma" cürümundan 10 yıl hapisle cezalandırılması kararlaştırıldı.Yağız beyaz zehir fotoğrafğsergençılıktan dijitale denli dünyada fotoğrafçılık za

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En son beş tik tok izle Kentsel haber

The tiktok ban was never about our safety from our information being taken or any of that sort, its because it was starting to have to much power. People were realizing that America and the government and supreme court isn't all glitter and sparkles. So its a ploy to have control. I am genuinely devastated about this but I hope someone even if its

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